Tim Hortons Nutrition Facts

Tim Hortons Nutrition Facts: Getting a quick snack on The road has become a frequent practice in Today’s fast-paced environment. An international following has grown For the Canadian fast-food restaurant Tim Hortons, Which is well-known For its baked goods and coffee. While savoring their delectable products, It’s crucial to pay attention To our dietary decisions.

Tim Hortons Nutrition Facts

In This post, we’ll examine the Tim Hortons Nutrition Facts, highlight healthier alternatives, and offer advice For people with particular dietary needs or allergies.

Why Tim Hortons Nutrition Information Is Important

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires knowing the nutrition facts of The foods and beverages we consume. It enables us to balance our daily nutrient intake, Keep an eye on our calorie intake, and decide on portion sizes with knowledge.

By paying attention To the nutritional value, We can make decisions That support our health objectives, Such as maintaining a healthy weight, having more energy, or adhering To dietary restrictions.

Tim Hortons Nutrition Facts

Coffee, Tea & Other Hot Beverages

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Original Blend Coffee (small) 3 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Original Blend Coffee (medium) 4 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Original Blend Coffee (large) 5 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Original Blend Coffee (x large) 5 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Dark Roast Coffee (small) 3 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Dark Roast Coffee (medium) 4 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Dark Roast Coffee (large) 5 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Dark Roast Coffee (x large) 5 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Decaf Coffee (small) 3 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Decaf Coffee (medium) 4 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Decaf Coffee (large) 5 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Decaf Coffee (x large) 5 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Regular Coffee (small) 70 4g 2.5g 0.1 10mg 25mg 8g 0g 8g 1g
Regular Coffee (medium) 100 6g 4g 0.2 15mg 40mg 11g 0g 11g 1g
Regular Coffee (large) 120 8g 5g 0.2 20mg 50mg 14g 0g 13g 1g
Regular Coffee (x large) 150 9g 6g 0.3 25mg 55mg 18g 0g 17g 1g
Double Double Coffee (small) 130 8g 4.5g 0.2 20mg 45mg 16g 0g 16g 1g
Double Double Coffee (medium) 200 13g 8g 0.4g 35mg 80mg 22g 0g 21g 2g
Double Double Coffee (large) 250 15g 10g 0.5g 40mg 95mg 28g 0g 27g 2g
Double Double Coffee (x large) 300 18g 11g 0.5g 50mg 115mg 35g 0g 34g 3g
Cappuccino (small) 80 3g 2g 0.1g 10mg 70mg 9g 0g 8g 6g
Cappuccino (medium) 120 4.5g 3g 0.2g 15mg 95mg 12g 0g 11g 8g
Cappuccino (large) 170 6g 4g 0.2g 25mg 135mg 16g 0g 15g 11g
Latte (small) 90 3.5g 2g 0.1g 15mg 80mg 10g 0g 9g 6g
Latte (medium) 140 5g 3.5g 0.2g 20mg 115mg 14g 0g 13g 10g
Latte (large) 190 7g 4.5g 0.3g 30mg 160mg 19g 0g 18g 13g
Coffee Mocha (small) 110 1.5g 1.5g 0g 0mg 90mg 24g 1g 17g 1g
Coffee Mocha (medium) 140 2g 2g 0g 0mg 15mg 31g 1g 22g 1g
Coffee Mocha (large) 190 2.5g 2.5g 0g 0mg 150mg 41g 1g 29g 1g
Coffee Mocha (x large) 250 2.5g 3g 0g 0mg 200mg 54g 1g 38g 1g
French Vanilla (small) 260 10g 10g 0g 0mg 180mg 39g 1g 30g 3g
French Vanilla (medium) 330 12g 12g 0g 0mg 230mg 50g 1g 39g 3g
French Vanilla (large) 430 17g 16g 0g 0mg 310mg 66g 1g 51g 5g
French Vanilla (x large) 570 22g 22g 0g 0mg 410mg 88g 1g 68g 6g
Hot Chocolate (small) 220 3g 3g 0g 0mg 180mg 48g 1g 34g 1g
Hot Chocolate (medium) 280 4g 3.5g 0g 0mg 230mg 62g 2g 43g 1g
Hot Chocolate (large) 380 5g 4.5g 0g 0mg 310mg 82g 2g 58g 2g
Hot Chocolate (x large) 500 7g 6g 0g 0mg 410mg 108g 3g 76g 3g
White Hot Chocolate (small) 250 9g 8g 0g 0mg 250mg 43g 0g 36g 1g
White Hot Chocolate (medium) 330 11g 10g 0.1g 0mg 310mg 55g 0g 45g 1g
White Hot Chocolate (large) 430 15g 14g 0.1g 0mg 420mg 73g 0g 60g 2g
White Hot Chocolate (x large) 570 20g 18g 0.1g 0mg 550mg 96g 0g 80g 2g
London Fog (small) 110 2g 1.5g 0.1g 10mg 50mg 19g 0g 19g 4g
London Fog (medium) 160 3g 2g 0.1g 10mg 110mg 28g 0g 28g 6g
London Fog (large) 240 4.5g 3g 0.2g 15mg 160mg 38g 0g 38g 8g
Bagged Tea 0 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Steeped Tea 0 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g

Hot Beverages – Limited Time Only

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Caramel Toffee Latte (small) 230 9g 7g 0.1g 15mg 180mg 30g 0g 28g 7g
Caramel Toffee Latte (medium) 300 10g 9g 0.2g 20mg 260mg 42g 0g 39g 10g
Caramel Toffee Latte (large) 380 12g 10g 0.3g 30mg 350mg 53g 0g 49g 13g

Cold Beverages

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Iced Coffee (small) 110 6g 4g 0.1g 20mg 35mg 13g 0g 13g 1g
Iced Coffee (medium) 150 8g 4.5g 0.1g 20mg 45mg 20g 0g 19g 1g
Iced Coffee (large) 220 13g 8g 0.1g 35mg 70mg 27g 0g 26g 2g
Light Iced Coffee (small) 70 1g 0.5g 0g 5mg 30mg 14g 0g 14g 2g
Light Iced Coffee (medium) 100 1.5g 1g 0g 5mg 40mg 21g 0g 21g 3g
Light Iced Coffee (large) 140 1.5g 1g 0g 5mg 55mg 28g 0g 28g 3g
Original Cold Brew (small) 0 0g 0g 0g 0mg 4mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Original Cold Brew (medium) 0 0.1g 0g 0g 0mg 5mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Original Cold Brew (large) 0 0.1g 0g 0g 0mg 5mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Vanilla Cream Cold Brew (small) 120 6g 3.5g 0.2g 25mg 30mg 15g 0g 15g 1g
Vanilla Cream Cold Brew (medium) 160 7g 4g 0.3g 30mg 35mg 22g 0g 22g 1g
Vanilla Cream Cold Brew (large) 240 12g 7g 0.5g 45mg 55mg 30g 0g 30g 2g
Roasted Hazelnut Cold Brew (small) 180 12g 9g 0.2g 20mg 60mg 18g 0g 16g 1g
Roasted Hazelnut Cold Brew (medium) 220 14g 10g 0.3g 25mg 70mg 25g 0g 22 2g
Roasted Hazelnut Cold Brew (large) 300 19g 14g 0.4g 40mg 105mg 32g 0g 29g 2g
Original Iced Capp (small) 230 11g 7g 0.4g 30mg 75mg 31g 0g 29g 2g
Original Iced Capp (medium) 320 16g 10g 0.5g 45mg 110mg 41g 0g 38g 3g
Original Iced Capp (large) 420 22g 14g 0.5 60mg 140mg 55g 1g 51g 4g
Light Iced Capp (small) 140 1g 1g 0g 5mg 30mg 31g 0g 29g 3g
Light Iced Capp (medium) 190 1.5g 1g 0.1g 5mg 40mg 41g 0g 39g 4g
Light Iced Capp (large) 260 2.5g 1.5g 0.1g 10mg 55mg 55g 1g 52g 5g
Mocha Iced Capp (small) 390 17g 12g 0.4 30mg 190mg 58g 1g 53g 3g
Mocha Iced Capp (medium) 500 22g 16g 0.5g 45mg 260mg 74g 2g 68g 4g
Mocha Iced Capp (large) 630 27g 19g 0.5g 60mg 330mg 94g 2g 87g 6g
Vanilla Iced Capp (small) 400 17g 12g 0.4g 30mg 150mg 60g 0g 56g 2g
Vanilla Iced Capp (medium) 510 22g 15g 0.5g 45mg 200mg 77g 0g 72g 3g
Vanilla Iced Capp (large) 640 27g 19g 0.5g 60mg 250mg 98g 1g 92g 4g
Caramel Iced Capp (small) 390 17g 13g 0.4g 35mg 170mg 59g 0 59g 3g
Caramel Iced Capp (medium) 500 22g 16g 0.5g 45mg 230mg 75g 0g 70g 4g
Caramel Iced Capp (large) 630 27g 19g 0.5g 60mg 290mg 95g 1g 89g 5g
Chocolate Creamy Chill (small) 400 17g 12g 0.4g 30mg 210mg 62g 1g 57g 3g
Chocolate Creamy Chill (medium) 520 22g 16g 0.5g 45mg 290mg 80g 1g 73g 4g
Chocolate Creamy Chill (large) 650 27g 19g 0.5g 60mg 360mg 102g 1g 93g 5g
Vanilla Creamy Chill (small) 400 17g 12g 0.4g 30mg 150mg 62g 0g 57g 2g
Vanilla Creamy Chill (medium) 520 22g 15g 0.5g 45mg 210mg 80g 0g 74g 3g
Vanilla Creamy Chill (large) 650 27g 19g 0.5g 60mg 260mg 103g 0g 96g 4g
Strawberry Creamy Chill (small) 400 17g 12g 0.4g 30mg 120mg 63g 0g 58g 2g
Strawberry Creamy Chill (medium) 520 22g 15g 0.5g 45mg 160mg 81g 0g 74g 3g
Strawberry Creamy Chill (large) 660 27g 19g 0.5g 60mg 200mg 104g 0g 95g 4g
Strawberry Smoothie (small) 220 1g 0.5g 0g 5mg 60mg 51g 0g 46g 3g
Strawberry Smoothie (medium) 310 2g 1g 0g 10mg 95mg 69g 0g 62g 5g
Strawberry Smoothie (large) 420 2.5g 1.5g 0.1g 10mg 125mg 92g 0g 83g 6g
Frozen Lemonade (small) 170 0g 0g 0g 0mg 30mg 43g 0g 40g 0g
Frozen Lemonade (medium) 230 0g 0g 0g 0mg 40mg 57g 0g 53g 0g
Frozen Lemonade (large) 310 0g 0g 0g 0mg 50mg 76g 0g 71g 0g
Strawberry Frozen Lemonade (small) 220 0g 0g 0g 0mg 30mg 56g 0g 52g 0g
Strawberry Frozen Lemonade (medium) 310 0g 0g 0g 0mg 40mg 76g 0g 71g 0g
Strawberry Frozen Lemonade (large) 410 0.1g 0g 0g 0mg 55mg 102g 0g 95g 0g
Classic Lemonade (small) 90 0g 0g 0g 0mg 10mg 23g 0g 21g 0g
Classic Lemonade (medium) 110 0g 0g 0g 0mg 10mg 30g 0g 28g 0g
Classic Lemonade (large) 140 0g 0g 0g 0mg 15mg 39g 0g 36g 0g
Peach Quencher (small) 110 0g 0g 0g 0mg 10mg 29g 0g 26g 0g
Peach Quencher (medium) 150 0g 0g 0g 0mg 15mg 39g 0g 35g 0g
Peach Quencher (large) 190 0g 0g 0g 0mg 20mg 50g 0g 45g 0g
Strawberry Watermelon Quencher (small) 110 0g 0g 0g 0mg 15mg 28g 0g 25g 0g
Strawberry Watermelon Quencher (medium) 150 0g 0g 0g 0mg 20mg 38g 0g 34g 0g
Strawberry Watermelon Quencher (large) 190 0g 0g 0g 0mg 25mg 49g 0g 44g 0g

Cold Beverages – Limited Time Only

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Caramel Toffee Cold Brew (small) 200 13g 10g 0.2g 20mg 150mg 19g 0g 17g 2g
Caramel Toffee Cold Brew (medium) 240 15g 11g 0.3g 25mg 210mg 26g 0g 24g 2g
Caramel Toffee Cold Brew (large) 340 21g 16g 0.4g 40mg 290mg 35g 0g 32g 3g
Oreo Double Stuf Iced Capp (small) 440 20g 14g 0.4g 30mg 170mg 63g 1g 56g 3g
Oreo Double Stuf Iced Capp (medium) 560 25g 18g 0.5g 45mg 220mg 81g 1g 73g 4g
Oreo Double Stuf Iced Capp (large) 710 31g 21g 0.5g 60mg 290mg 104g 1g 93g 5g
Oreo Double Stuf Redeye Iced Capp (small) 440 20g 15g 0.4g 30mg 170mg 63g 1g 56g 3g
Oreo Double Stuf Redeye Iced Capp (medium) 570 26g 18g 0.5g 45mg 230mg 82g 1g 73g 4g
Oreo Double Stuf Redeye Iced Capp (large) 710 31g 21g 0.5g 60mg 290mg 105g 1g 93g 5g
Oreo Strawberry Creamy Chill (small) 440 20g 14g 0.4g 30mg 150mg 66g 0g 58g 3g
Oreo Strawberry Creamy Chill (medium) 570 25g 18g 0.5g 45mg 200mg 86g 1g 75g 3g
Oreo Strawberry Creamy Chill (large) 720 31g 21g 0.5g 60mg 260mg 110g 1g 97g 4g


Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Apple Fritter 330 11g 5g 0.1g 0mg 280mg 54g 2g 23g 6g
Blueberry 340 18g 9g 0.2g 5mg 170mg 40g 1g 25g 3g
Boston Cream 240 8g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 240mg 38g 1g 16g 4g
Canadian Maple 250 8g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 240mg 38g 1g 16g 4g
Chocolate Cruller 360 22g 11g 0.2g 40mg 120mg 40g 0g 28g 2g
Chocolate Dip 220 8g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 190mg 33g 1g 12g 4g
Chocolate Éclair 310 14g 9g 0.1g 0mg 230mg 45g 1g 20g 5g
Chocolate Glazed 330 21g 10g 0.2g 15mg 210mg 34g 1g 20g 3g
Chocolate Marble 320 21g 10g 0.2g 15mg 210mg 31g 1g 17g 3g
Chocolate Snow 290 21g 10g 0.2g 15mg 210mg 24g 1g 10g 3g
Chocolate Toasted Coconut 360 24g 14g 0.2g 15mg 220mg 34g 2g 19g 3g
Coconut Cream 260 10g 5g 0.1g 0mg 240mg 39g 1g 17g 4g
Double Chocolate 310 21g 10g 0.2g 15mg 210mg 28g 1g 14g 3g
Honey Cruller 320 22g 11g 0.2g 40mg 120mg 30g 0g 18g 2g
Honey Dip 250 7g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 190mg 41g 1g 21g 4g
Long John Donut 240 9g 4g 0.1g 0mg 210mg 36g 1g 13g 4g
Maple Cruller 360 22g 11g 0.2g 40mg 120mg 40g 0g 28g 2g
Maple Dip 220 7g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 190mg 33g 1g 12g 4g
Maple Éclair 310 14g 9g 0.1g 0mg 230mg 43g 1g 18g 5g
Maple Swirl 250 8g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 240mg 39g 1g 17g 4g
Old Fashioned Dip 310 18g 9g 0.1g 25mg 230mg 34g 1g 16g 3g
Old Fashioned Glazed 330 18g 9g 0.1g 25mg 230mg 40g 1g 22g 3g
Old Fashioned Plain 280 18g 9g 0.1g 25mg 230mg 26g 1g 9g 3g
Old Fashioned Snow 290 18g 9g 0.1g 25mg 230mg 30g 1g 12g 3g
Old Fashioned Sugar 300 18g 9g 0.1g 25mg 230mg 33g 1g 16g 3g
Raspberry Filled 230 8g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 210mg 37g 1g 15g 4g
Sour Cream Glazed 340 18g 8g 0.1g 5mg 180mg 40g 1g 24g 3g
Sour Cream Plain 280 18g 8g 0.1g 5mg 180mg 26g 1g 11g 3g
Sour Cream Sugar 300 16g 8g 0.1g 5mg 180mg 32g 1g 16g 3g
Strawberry Dip 220 7g 3.5g 0.1 0mg 190mg 33g 1g 12g 4g
Strawberry Filled 240 8g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 210mg 38g 1g 16g 4g
Strawberry Vanilla 270 8g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 210mg 49g 1g 15g 4g
Sugar Loop 200 7g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 190mg 29g 1g 8g 4g
Toasted Coconut 360 21g 12g 0.1g 25mg 240mg 39g 2g 21g 4g
Vanilla Dip 250 7g 3.5g 0.1g 0mg 190mg 40g 1g 19g 4g
Cadbury Mini Eggs Dream 330 12g 6g 0.1g 5mg 190mg 52g 1g 28g 5g


Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Birthday Cake 80 3g 1.5g 0g 5mg 60mg 13g 1g 9g 1g
Chocolate Glazed 80 3.5g 1.5g 0g 5mg 70mg 11g 0g 6g 1g
Chocolate Snow Ball 70 3.5g 1.5g 0g 5mg 70mg 8g 0g 3g 1g
Chocolate Toasted Coconut 90 4.5g 3g 0g 5mg 75mg 11g 1g 6g 1g
Honey Dip 50 1.5g 0.5g 0g 0mg 25mg 8g 0g 5g 1g
Old Fashioned Glazed 80 3.5g 1.5g 0g 0mg 64mg 12g 0g 7g 1g
Old Fashioned Plain 60 3.5g 1.5g 0g 0mg 65mg 8g 0g 3g 1g
Old Fashioned Sugar 70 3.5g 1.5g 0g 0mg 65mg 9g 0g 4g 1g
Snow Ball 70 3.5g 15g 0g 0mg 65mg 8g 0g 3g 1g
Sour Cream Glazed 90 5g 2.5g 0g 0mg 50mg 11g 0g 7g 1g
Sour Cream Plain 80 5g 2.5g 0g 0mg 50mg 7g 0g 3g 1g
Sour Cream Sugar 80 5g 2.5g 0g 0mg 50mg 8g 0g 4g 1g
Strawberry 50 1.5g 0.5g 0g 0mg 30mg 8g 0g 4g 1g
Toasted Coconut 90 4.5g 3g 0g 0mg 70mg 12g 1g 6g 1g
Venetian Cream 50 1.5g 1g 0g 0mg 40mg 7g 0g 3g 1g


Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Chocolate Chip 420 17g 5g 0.1g 30mg 400mg 64g 2g 36g 6g
Fruit Explosion 360 12g 2g 0.1g 35mg 490mg 59g 2g 30g 5g
Wild Blueberry 380 12g 2g 0.1g 30mg 590mg 57g 2g 26g 6g
Raisin Bran 380 13g 2g 0.1g 15mg 500mg 60g 5g 30g 6g
Carrot Cake Walnut 360 13g 2.5g 0.1g 30mg 480mg 55g 2g 28g 6g
Banana Pecan 340 10g 2g 0.1g 30mg 790mg 60g 9g 20g 6g


Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Chocolate Chunk 220 9g 5g 0.2g 20mg 240mg 31g 1g 16g 2g
Peanut Butter 260 15g 6g 0.2g 25mg 230mg 25g 1g 15g 5g
Cadbury Mini Eggs 280 12g 7g 0.3g 25mg 250mg 40g 1g 24g 3g


Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Plain 260 13g 7g 0.3g 15mg 240mg 30g 1g 3g 6g
Cheese 290 14g 8g 0.3g 20mg 280mg 30g 1g 3g 7g
Chocolate 350 17g 8g 0.2g 0mg 120mg 43g 0g 18g 6g

Cinnamon Buns

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Cinnamon Bun 410 13g 5g 0.1g 10mg 450mg 65g 3g 28g 8g

Tea Biscuits

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Cheese 250 11g 4g 0.2g 10mg 610mg 31g 1g 4g 8g
Raisin 250 8g 1.5g 0g 0mg 500mg 40g 2g 12g 5g

Savoury Pastries

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Jalapeno 250 11g 7g 0.3g 35mg 450mg 32g 2g 3g 7g
Herb & Garlic 240 11g 6.5g 0.3g 35mg 470mg 29g 1g 6g 6g

Classic Bagels

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Plain 290 1.5g 0.4g 0g 0mg 380mg 62g 2g 9g 9g
Sesame Seed 310 4g 1g 0g 0mg 400mg 62g 4g 10g 10g
Everything 290 2g 0.5g 0.1g 0mg 390mg 60g 4g 9g 10g
12-Grain 320 7g 1g 0g 0mg 460mg 57g 8g 9g 11g
Cinnamon Raisin 290 1g 0.3g 0g 0mg 360mg 64g 3g 14g 9g
Blueberry 310 3.5g 0.5g 0g 0mg 510mg 60g 2g 7g 9g

Specialty Bagels

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Four Cheese 330 5g 1.5g 0.1g 5mg 580mg 58g 2g 4g 11g
Jalapeno Cheddar 320 4.5g 1.5g 0.1g 5mg 710mg 59g 3g 4g 11g

Bagel Toppings

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Plain Cream Cheese 100 9g 6g 0.3g 25mg 150mg 2g 0g 2g 2g
Herb & Garlic Cream Cheese 100 9g 6g 0.3g 25mg 190mg 3g 0g 2g 2g
Strawberry Cream Cheese 100 7g 5g 0.2g 25mg 120mg 6g 0g 6g 2g
Butter 60 7g 4.5g 0.1g 20mg 55mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Strawberry Jam Packet 60 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 14g 0g 14g 0g
Raspberry Jam Packet 60 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 14g 0g 14g 0g
Peanut Butter 110 9g 1.5g 0g 0mg 75mg 4g 0g 1g 3g

Classic Breakfast Sandwich

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Sausage Homestyle Biscuit 530 35g 17g 0.4g 240mg 900mg 34g 2g 4g 20g
Bacon Homestyle Biscuit 410 22g 13g 0.3g 215mg 930mg 33g 1g 3g 18g
Egg & Cheese Homestyle Biscuit 350 18g 11g 0.3g 205mg 720mg 33g 1g 3g 14g
Steak & Egg Homestyle Biscuit 510 27g 14g 0.5g 245mg 1290mg 35g 2g 5g 25g
Simply Sausage Homestyle Biscuit 450 30g 16g 0.3g 50mg 850mg 33g 3g 2g 13g
Sausage English Muffin 470 28g 11g 0.3g 240mg 730mg 34g 2g 6g 20g
Bacon English Muffin 350 16g 7g 0.3g 215mg 750mg 33g 2g 7g 18g
Egg & Cheese English Muffin 290 11g 5g 0.2g 205mg 540mg 33g 2g 6g 14g

Bagel Breakfast Sandwich

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Sausage Plain 600 28g 11g 0.3g 240mg 820mg 65g 3g 10g 23g
Bacon Plain 480 16g 7g 0.3g 215mg 850mg 64g 3g 10g 22g
Sausage Sesame Seed 620 31g 11g 0.3g 240mg 840mg 65g 4g 11g 25g
Bacon Sesame Seed 500 18g 7g 0.2g 215mg 870mg 64g 4g 11g 23g
Sausage Everything 600 29g 11g 0.4g 240mg 830mg 63g 4g 9g 24g
Bacon Everything 480 16g 7g 0.3g 215mg 860mg 62g 4g 9g 23g
Sausage 12-Grain 630 33g 12g 0.4g 240mg 900mg 60g 9g 10g 26g
Bacon 12-Grain 510 21g 7g 0.3g 215mg 940mg 59g 8g 10g 24g

Bagel BELT Breakfast Sandwiches

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Plain 490 16g 7g 0.3g 215mg 860mg 66g 3g 11g 22g
Sesame Seed 510 15g 7g 0.2g 215mg 880mg 66g 5g 12g 23g
Everything 490 17g 7g 0.3g 215mg 860mg 64g 4g 10g 23g
12-Grain 520 21g 7g 0.3g 215mg 940mg 61g 9g 11g 24g


Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Hash Brown 120 6g 0.5g 0.1g 0mg 220mg 15g 1g 1g 1g
Yogurt Parfait 250 7g 1.5g 0.1g 10mg 115mg 40g 3g 25g 8g

Breakfast – Limited Time Only

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Canadian Bacon Homestyle Biscuit Sandwich 390 19g 12g 0.1g 215mg 890mg 33g 2g 3g 18g
Canadian Bacon English Muffin Sandwich 310 12g 6g 0.1g 215mg 660mg 28g 1g 3g 17g
Simply Canadian Bacon Homestyle Biscuit 300 14g 10g 0.1g 25mg 820mg 32g 1g 3g 11g
Simply Canadian Bacon English Muffin 240 8g 4g 0.1g 25mg 590mg 27g 1g 3g 11g
Canadian Bacon Everything Bagel BELT 460 14g 6g 0.1g 215mg 830mg 63g 4g 9g 23g

Breakfast Wraps

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Sausage 530 34g 12g 0.3g 240mg 730mg 37g 3g 2g 20g
Bacon 410 22g 7g 0.2g 215mg 760mg 36g 2g 2g 18g
Sausage & Bacon 590 39g 13g 0.3g 250mg 940mg 37g 3g 3g 24g
Sausage Farmer’s 650 41g 12g 0.4g 240mg 960mg 52g 4g 3g 21g
Bacon Farmer’s 530 28g 8g 0.4g 220mg 990mg 51g 4g 3g 19g

Lunch – Sandwiches

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Turkey Bacon Club 550 23g 5g 0.2g 50mg 1440mg 60g 3g 6g 27g
BLT 490 21g 5g 0.2g 25mg 940mg 59g 4g 6g 16g
Ham & Cheddar 520 20g 7g 0.4g 50mg 1330mg 60g 3g 7g 25g
Roast Beef & Cheddar 560 21g 8g 0.5g 65mg 1260mg 62g 3g 8g 27g
Crispy Chicken Craveable 470 19g 3g 0.2g 25mg 960mg 55g 3g 1g 21g
Roast Beef Craveable 460 20g 6g 0.4g 55mg 1060mg 41g 2g 2g 21g

Lunch – Wraps

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Chicken Bacon Ranch 420 19g 4.5g 0.2g 65mg 900mg 36g 2g 4g 27g
Crispy Chicken Bacon Ranch 530 26g 6g 0.3g 35mg 1010mg 54g 4g 4g 24g
Classic Chicken 380 17g 3g 0.2g 60mg 660mg 36g 2g 3g 24g
Classic Crispy Chicken 490 24g 4g 0.3g 25mg 770mg 53g 4g 3g 20g

Lunch – Loaded Wraps

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Cilantro Lime Chicken 540 26g 4g 0.3g 60mg 990mg 52g 3g 5g 26g
Cilantro Lime Crispy Chicken 650 32g 5g 0.4g 25mg 1100mg 70g 4g 5g 23g
Cilantro Lime Veggie 520 25g 3.5g 0.3g 5mg 950mg 66g 3g 6g 11g
Habanero Chicken 510 24g 4g 0.3g 65mg 1030mg 50g 3g 4g 26g
Habanero Crispy Chicken 620 31g 5g 0.4g 35mg 1150mg 68g 4g 4g 22g
Habanero Veggie 500 23g 3.5g 0.3g 10mg 990mg 64g 3g 6g 11g
Chipotle Steak 520 22g 4.5g 0.4g 55mg 1220mg 55g 3g 6g 27g

Lunch – Loaded Bowls

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carb Fiber Sugar Protein
Cilantro Lime Chicken 550 30g 3.5g 0.2g 60mg 1150mg 49g 1g 6g 27g
Cilantro Lime Crispy Chicken 660 37g 4.5g 0.3g 25mg 1260mg 67g 2g 6g 23g
Cilantro Lime Veggie 540 30g 3g 0.2g 5mg 1120mg 63g 1g 7g 11g
Habanero Chicken 530 28g 3.5g 0.2g 65mg 1190mg 47g 1g 5g 26g
Habanero Crispy Chicken 630 35g 4.5g 0.3g 35mg 1300mg 65g 2g 5g 23g
Habanero Veggie 510 28g 3g 0.2g 10mg 1160mg 61g 1g 7g 11g
Chipotle Steak 550 26g 4g 0.3g 55mg 1360mg 52g 2g 7g 28g

Lunch – Melts

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Grilled Cheese 500 21g 13g 1g 60mg 1380mg 51g 3g 3g 27g
Bacon Grilled Cheese 600 29g 16g 1g 80mg 1730mg 51g 3g 4g 33g
Turkey 550 25g 11g 0.5g 75mg 1560mg 50g 3g 3g 33g
Ham 550 25g 11g 0.5g 75mg 1620mg 50g 3g 4g 33g

Lunch – Soup & Chili

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Chicken Noodle Soup (regular) 140 3g 0.5g 0g 20mg 710mg 20g 1g 2g 9g
Chicken Noodle Soup (large) 190 3.5g 1g 0g 20mg 960mg 28g 2g 2g 10g
Cream of Broccoli Soup (regular) 100 3.5g 1.5g 0.1g 10mg 650mg 15g 2g 6g 5g
Cream of Broccoli Soup (large) 150 5g 2g 0.1g 15mg 910mg 21g 3g 9g 6g
Garden Minestrone Soup (regular) 100 1.5g 0.3g 0g 0mg 590mg 20g 6g 6g 5g
Garden Minestrone Soup (large) 140 2.5g 0.5g 0g 0mg 820mg 28g 8g 9g 6g
Tomato Parmesan Soup (regular) 150 7g 4g 0.3g 15mg 740mg 17g 3g 6g 5g
Tomato Parmesan Soup (large) 210 10g 5g 0.4g 20mg 1040mg 24g 4g 9g 7g
Spicy Thai Soup (regular) 170 8g 3.5 0.2g 30mg 740mg 19g 1g 4g 6g
Spicy Thai Soup (large) 240 12g 5g 0.3g 50mg 1030mg 26g 1g 5g 8g
Potato Bacon Soup (regular) 220 11g 6g 0.3g 35mg 820mg 25g 2g 5g 6g
Potato Bacon Soup (large) 310 15g 8g 0.4g 50mg 1150mg 35g 2g 6g 9g
Clam Chowder (Regular) 150 5g 2g 0.1g 15mg 750mg 20g 1g 5g 7g
Clam Chowder (large) 210 7g 3g 0.2g 20mg 1050mg 27g 2g 6g 10g
Chili (regular) 310 16g 6g 1g 55mg 910mg 22g 4g 7g 19g
Chili (large) 430 22g 9g 1g 75mg 1270mg 31g 6g 10g 27g

Lunch – Sides

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Potato Wedges 380 16g 1g 0.1g 0mg 850mg 58g 5g 3g 5g
Soup Bun 210 4.5g 0.5g 0.1g 0mg 400mg 37g 1g 1g 6g

Lunch – Limited Time Only

Items Calories Fat Sat Fat Trans Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
Loaded Chili 560 29g 10g 1g 75mg 1440mg 44g 4g 10g 29g

Making Healthier Choices at Tim Hortons

There are numerous methods you can use To choose healthier options at Tim Hortons:

Tips For Selecting Healthier Options

  • When feasible, use whole-grain choices.
  • Choose lean protein options like grilled turkey or chicken.
  • Vegetables should be a part of your order.
  • Be cautious of high-calorie toppings and additional sweeteners.
  • Limit your serving amounts and think about splitting larger items.

Customization Options

You can adjust your order at Tim Hortons so That it satisfies your dietary requirements. To accommodate your dietary requirements, You can ask for changes like taking out sauces, Choosing low-fat dressings, or switching ingredients.

Food Allergies and Restrictions

Tim Hortons understands The value of accommodating people with dietary needs and sensitivities. For Those with particular needs, These are some options:

Gluten-free options

For anyone with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, Tim Hortons provides Gluten-free options. Some soups, salads, and baked items That are free of gluten are among The choices.

Dairy-free options

Tim Hortons offers substitutes For its Coffee and Tea beverages, Such as almond milk, Soy milk, or Lactose-free options, For people who are lactose intolerant or adhere To a dairy-free diet.

Nut-free options

Tim Hortons works hard to make sure those with nut allergies are safe. Despite the possibility of cross-contamination, They provide some nut-free baked products and snacks For people to enjoy.

Tim Hortons Commitment to Nutrition

  • Tim Hortons is dedicated to enhancing the nutritional value of its menu options because it recognizes the significance of nutrition.
  • They actively look into ways to lower salt levels, Enhance ingredient sources, and increase product transparency.
  • Their continual efforts are in line with their clients’ changing preferences and needs.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires making wise decisions about The food and drinks we eat. The menu at Tim Hortons is varied, offering choices For all palates and dietary requirements.

We can relish in their offers while keeping in mind our overall nutritional objectives by being aware of the Tim Hortons nutrition facts and taking healthier options into account.

FAQs – Tim Hortons Nutrition Facts

Are there any vegetarian options available at Tim Hortons?

There are veggie options at Tim Hortons. Vegetarian food includes The Veggie Bagel Sandwich, Garden Vegetable Cream Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Hash Browns, bagels, cakes, and cookies. Check What’s in each item and How it’s cooked to make sure it fits Your diet.

What are the calorie counts for Tim Hortons’ most popular donuts?

Depending on the precise variety and size, Tim Hortons most well-known doughnuts might have different calorie counts. Here are some rough calorie ranges for several well-liked donut choices:

  • Plain Glazed Donut: Approximately 200-240 calories
  • Chocolate Glazed Donut: Approximately 220-260 calories
  • Honey Cruller Donut: Approximately 230-270 calories
  • Old Fashioned Plain Donut: Approximately 240-280 calories

It’s crucial to remember That these calorie counts are approximations and may change depending on The size, toppings, and ingredients of The item.

Does Tim Hortons offer low-sugar or sugar-free beverage options?

Tim Hortons has sugar-free and low-sugar drinks For people on different diets. They sell sugar substitutes and drinks That don’t have any added sugar. Tim Hortons offers these alternatives along with coffee, tea, and other drinks.

Are Tim Hortons soups made with natural ingredients?

Tim Hortons soups employ high-quality ingredients. Some soups may have preservatives or flavor enhancers despite their natural ingredients. Tim Hortons provides ingredient information so consumers may make informed decisions depending on their preferences and dietary needs.

Can I find allergen information for Tim Hortons’ menu items?

Tim Hortons does list allergens. They understand the necessity of accommodating allergies and dietary limitations. Their website, in-store booklets, and personnel can provide allergen information. To ensure proper measures, notify staff of any allergies or dietary restrictions while ordering.

Does Tim Hortons provide seasonal nutritional information?

Tim Hortons seasonal menu product’s nutritional information is transparent. Seasonal products May not include nutritional information. For current nutritional information, Contact Tim Hortons or visit their website.

How can Tim Hortons customize for allergens or dietary restrictions?

Tell Tim Hortons personnel about any allergies or dietary restrictions while ordering. They can help you choose menu items or customize them to your dietary needs. To guarantee your order is prepared properly, explicitly describe your requirements.

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